Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeNEWSBanking & FinanceHBL Microfinance Bank Appoints Maya Inayat Ismail as Chairperson of the Board

HBL Microfinance Bank Appoints Maya Inayat Ismail as Chairperson of the Board

HBL Microfinance Bank (HBL MfB) proudly announces the appointment of Maya Inayat Ismail as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, succeeding Rayomond H. Kotwal. Maya Inayat Ismail was part of the core strategic team that established HBL MfB’s predecessor organisation, FMFB, the first microfinance bank in Pakistan, bringing to life His Highness the Aga Khan’s vision of ensuring access to financial services for underbanked communities. She has been a member of the Board of HBL Microfinance Bank since 2016 and Chair of the FISC Committee, reflecting her passion and dedication to financial inclusion. Maya Inayat Ismail brings over 25 years of experience in the financial sector, with a strong focus on financial services institutions, managing strategic partnerships, and strategy formulation to benefit people at the grassroots level.

The outgoing Chairman, Rayomond H. Kotwal remarked, “It has been an honour to serve as the Chairman of HBL Microfinance Bank. I am proud of what we have achieved together in driving financial inclusion across Pakistan. I am confident that Maya Inayat Ismail’s appointment will usher in a new era of innovation for the Bank, and I look forward to seeing the Bank flourish under her guidance.”

Sultan Ali Allana, Chairman – HBL, expressed his confidence in Maya Inayat Ismail’s appointment, saying, “Maya Inayat Ismail’s expertise, coupled with her unwavering commitment to financial inclusion, will further enhance HBL Microfinance Bank’s ability to address the needs of underserved communities in Pakistan. Maya Inayat Ismail is the first woman to Chair an Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) institution reflecting our vision to break barriers in leadership. I also extend my heartfelt appreciation to the outgoing Chairman Rayomond H. Kotwal for his remarkable leadership, his dedication and his contributions during his tenure, and look forward to the next chapter in the Bank’s legacy.”

Maya Inayat Ismail commented on her appointment, stating, “I am deeply humbled and honoured to take on the role of Chairperson of HBL Microfinance Bank. This is a symbol of the circle of life for me, as it builds on my association with HBL MfB for over two decades. We strive to create a financially inclusive Pakistan; I am committed to building on the incredible progress the Bank has made under Rayomond H. Kotwal’s stewardship. Together with the Board, Management, and employees, I look forward to driving impactful change that empowers individuals and strengthens communities.”



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